Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Site fixed! After a little playing around with the site, threatening my PC, more fiddling, and some bad language I've managed to fix the issue with having seperate continual blogs on each tab. 

So, later this week and onwards, I'll start adding fresh content to the blog for your enjoyment. Keep your eye out for reviews, lists and posts on all things indie cinema!


  1. Can't wait to see some fresh content. Glad to see a fellow blogger just starting out :)

    -The Anon Blogger

    1. Thanks Anon Blogger. Exciting times. I'll be posting up some new content end of the week, so keep your eyes peeled.

      Liked your blog too. Great site...wish I used it years ago! :)

  2. how did you manage to do this? as i tried to do the same thing and it didn't work :(

    1. I contact Blogger support directly and they sent me a link to a work around here...
      ...I chose the last option setting up new pages as weblinks, then the weblink is a search for a label. Now, anytime I want to post something new on a specific tab at the top, I make sure that the correct lable is applied to it. Works great!
      If you dig further, you can stop all post to the main page and create a gadget for a static welcome message there instead...I've kept some posts though, but it works really well :)

  3. The guy with the two spanners fixing the PC reminds me of a certain person taking his laptop to pieces when the internal fan sounded like an angle grinder! :)

  4. Would that be you Mr Glenn? I've dissected a PC on many occasion through frustration. A little tampering with technology never hurt anyone! ;-)
