Still very busy...but it's time to progress!
Okay, so I've been busy all of October too, just as much as September, meaning that last month's content for filmbore was just the 4 weekly reviews again. Not to say that the articles themselves aren't good enough, but I think it's time for a change...
As usual, I've recapped on October's pick-of-the-weeks below as I do at the start of every new month, but I've added a second piece about furthering the sight and spreading my wings a little. I'd appreciate feedback from you all on the directions suggested before I take flight!
Also, for my weekly reviews I've kept up with the larger sized articles and still delving deeper into each piece. If any of you have any ideas for my reviews moving forward, please don't be afraid to comment at the end of the review in question. Also, any recommendations for future articles would be welcome, so please send them through. And remember, the film's you suggest have to be classifiable as world cinema, relatively small or at least independent to be even considered for the filmbore pot...
Pick of the week - recap
One for gaming fanatics, Avalon is a strange and unique Polish film directed by Japanese anime genius Mamoru Oshii. Using original special effects to illustrate the virtual environments explored by our lead, the story challenges the boundaries of reality in a future where online gaming is so dangerous it's deadly...literally!

Unless you've been otherwise occupied in a completely different solar system for the last few months, you will have hopefully have heard of The Raid. Be prepared for a shock wave of intense action and hyperactive fight scenes that will obliterate your movie mind. This excellently filmed cop hunt equivalent of the '84 arcade classic Kung-Fu Master is astounding!
What can filmbore do for you?
I've received some emails and tweets about furthering the content on filmbore, and there has been little different added as of late. I know I'm consistent in providing you weekly reviews on top quality films, which is the main premise of this site, but I can see the value in improving the articles in the other tabs that I've promoted previously. Therefore, I'll be looking to boost the level of content over the next few months in order to bring you more gossip, more articles and anything else filmic for your's a few ideas:
This particular tab, filmbore News, is still used from time-to-time, with these overviews and the odd article. However, I've considered bringing small feeds into this tab with some of the smaller world cinema gossip I hear. I post the odd comment into twitter for those that follow me there, but let me know if you'd like to see more in this tab. I could provide a little more insight to the news at hand, providing source links too. Please consider though that I'd expect good viewing figures on these posts to justify the time spent.
So far I've only posted one Top 10 in the Top 10 with a difference page. This is because I've taken a long winded approach to the data, sifting through rafts of films to ensure none are missed for each list. I'm close to completing this research, so I'll have some good stock data to post on this tab soon, but what I'd like to get from you all are ideas on some crazy Top 10 ideas...the more bizarre the better! I've already had a few from some work colleagues (thanks Adrian Mair and Simon "streetg33k" Kent) that I'll be working on, so get yours in quick to get near the front of the queue. I'll try and do them justice!
And as mentioned above, don't forget to send your suggestions for further weekly picks.
Thanks to all of you for all of the support so far. I'll do my best to make this site better over the next quarter, and hopefully in the near future I'll be able to bring you some good news regarding some of my movie reviewing elsewhere to this site...what this space!
Charlie filmbore Pitt
Don't forget to leave comments below, tweet me @filmbore or post on my Facebook page here.
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