Saturday, 16 February 2013

It's your choice.

Interactive cinema is evolving!

Narrative choices are becoming common place in some marketing campaigns recently. Interactive car adverts, for example, are strewn with dilemmas for you to opt in to to determine certain outcomes. Comedy videos on Youtube even present you with a selection of potential endings, and the concept has even crept it's way into the decision process in modern computer games (a la retro fantasy adventure games, like Zork) such as the extremely enjoyable cinematic masterpiece that is Quantic Dream's Heavy Rain.

But can we take this further? How far can we take this methodology? In the near future, will we be presented with a near infinite amount of possible outcomes from a controlled voting system at your local multiplex? Will all media be directed by the feeling and views of the general public like some of the talent shows that are still at the height of popularity?

Whatever your opinion on the matter, there is a lot to be said when considering the entertaining factor of directly interfacing with the content you are viewing. I urge you to read Randy Astle's article at here which promotes a new short film called many worlds. It's aim is to be biologically driven by a small selective audiences dependant on their current state of being, which will drive events and music during the piece, finally culminating in one of four different endings.

It's an intriguing approach to film making which could impact on the way the medium will evolve. Let me know your views by commenting below, posting on facebook here, or emailing filmbore directly on 

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