Phew, that took a long time! Well, the moment is finally here. After a ridiculous amount of prioritising (and procrastinating!), the votes are in and the decisions are made.

And, to honour filmbore's first birthday I wanted to create a Top 20 of the best of them. Not of my reviews (I'm not that arrogant!) but of the pieces themselves. Which of these 52 films is the finest?
I began by reminding everyone of each picture in sections by month, taking in feedback from yourselves through this site and through facebook. And why? Because this list is not just decided by myself... where your argument has been sound, I have taken into account your views. Your opinions and votes have influenced the Top 20.
Now, I have to add that a few films still didn't quite make it into the list I'm afraid. But, some have managed to push out a couple of my original choices, so I have taken your points seriously. A few outsiders will get honourable mentions throughout these two posts however, so not all is lost.
In the list below, each title is a link into the review in question, so please take the time to go and have a look. I must pre-warn you...some of these were written in my first weeks as an amateur critic, so hold judgement on the quality of blogging... I just hope I've got better!
Finally, I just want to say thanks for your patience with this. I'm glad I finally got to the end.
So, without further ado...filmbore wants you! now counts down numbers 20 to 11...did your choice make the cut?
20. Neds (2010)
Slipping under the British film radar, this raw, true-life influenced drama is a heady window into the intense violence in 1970's Glasgow. Peter Mullan pours some of his own life into the character of John McGill, portrayed furiously by up-and-coming star Conor McCarron.
19. The Kid With A Bike (2011)

18. The Secret In Their Eyes (2009)

17. Waltz With Bashir (2009)

16. Troll Hunter (2010)

Honourable mention
Cell 211 was the first film I reviewed on filmbore. A cracking Spanish drama but was bumped of the list by a couple of films voted by yourselves.
15. Primer (2004)

14. Goodbye Lenin! (2003)
I'm a sucker for a good Shane Meadows film. Where many of you are probably more familiar with This is England, here you find a darker, deeper more moving piece about brotherly and revenge. Paddy Considine's Richard is astounding and Toby Kebbel is beautiful as his troubled brother Anthony.
12. Tell No One (2006)

Guillermo Del Toro is now a stamp of approval in the movie industry for creative eye-opening film making. Yet, he was doing this before he was a household name. This, one of his earlier films, is a prime example of the journey he will embark upon, as all his trademarks are on show in this delicious mix of genres.
So that's it for Part 1. Keep your eye out for the final Top 10 of filmbore wants you! coming to blog near you soon!
Do you agree with the choices so far? Think that some are placed too low or too high? In hope that your favourites are in the next part? Or just fancy a bit of a rant in general?
Then post your comments below and get the debate going. Alternatively, you can email me directly at, comment on my facebook page or tweet me @filmbore.
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