Okay not strictly a Top 10 this, as we're attuning choices to the famous yuletide song but it's a list all the same. Plus, you only get ten choices normally, so consider the extra two as little pressies from me. It is Christmas after all!
The Twelve Day's Of Christmas is a globally renowned song that most of you should hopefully know. And in conjunction with the many tiers of crazy people or animals, embodied in some sort of occupational act, below I've listed a film (accompanied by an alternative) for each line of the tune.
Your challenge, if you wish to accept it, is to watch all of them by the time the holiday break is over.
WARNING! Some of these choices are a little convoluted!
Okay...let's start with...

Or...Wayne's World (1992)
Garth Algar can play the skins like twelve men. He likes to play!
...11 Pipers Piping...

Or...They Live (1988)
Rowdy Roddy Piper...nuff said

Or...The Madness Of King George (1994)
This actor's masterclass sees Nigel Hawthorne's king leap all over the place
Lots of dance scenes int his classic musical of course. Yet, there's nothing more vibrant than the ladies getting down to America on the Manhattan rooftops.
Or...Flashdance (1983)
Jennifer Beals. She's A Maniac. Need I say more?
...8 Maids a Milking...
The Help (2011)

Or...Milk (2008)
No maids...or milk...just the name...oh well!
...7 Swans a Swimming...
Black Swan (2010)

Kiera Knightley's Elizabeth Swann falls in water at the beginning. There you go!
...6 Geese a Laying...
Top Gun (1986)

Or...The Wild Geese (1978)
Them old mercenaries could probably do with a lie down!
...5 Gold Rings...
Chariots Of Fire (1981)

Or...The Lord Of The Rings (2001 - 2003)
It's got rings in it. One main one anyway...
...4 Colly Birds...
Dumbo (1941)

Or... The Birds (1963)
Loads of birds in this. At least four of them must be blackbirds!
...3 French Hens...
The Triplets Of Belleville (2003)

Or... Chicken Run (2000)
Okay, these hens aren't french, but come on!
...2 Turtle Doves...
The Killer (1989)

Or...Bladerunner (1982)
Beautiful speech but I still can't work out where Roy Batty got that dove from!
Alan Partridge In A Pear Tree!
Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa (2013)
Was it that obvious?! Well, what else was I going to pick?
For those of you outside of the UK, you will have heard of Steve Coogan but not his most important character, Alan Partridge: a calamity of TV presenting, incredibly unlucky and nearly no vocal filter. He is, undoubtedly (debate with me, I dare you!) one of the funniest comedy characters to come out of the UK.
Besides the odd TV special and some webisodes, it has taken over a decade to move Alan from the small screen to the silver one, from when he last aired on British TV in I'm Alan Partridge in 2002. Yet, there was a lot of trepidation over whether the transition would really work, as it rarely has done in the past (Ali G anyone?!).
Thankfully, the years of patience paid off and the UK fan base were rewarded with Alpha Papa, a hilarious take on the siege film. Some didn't like, some were a little passive, some absolutely loved it. However, what's incredibly noticeable is the film's balance and pace. Yes, there are a few loose ends but this is a great move to cinema for the lovable pillock and I left the cinema amused and satisfied afterwards.
Well done Siege Face! Back of the net!
Or...Derakhte Golabi (1998)
Translated, this is The Pear Tree. That'll do!
Merry Xmas filmborians!
If you disagree, and have other suggestions, please post comments at the bottom of the post. Or, email me directly on topten@filmbore.co.uk.
And don't forget, you can tweet me @filmbore or post on my Facebook page here.
The only one I would add is "The Maid", otherwise top choices!